[Free Essay] Relationship Between Fascism and Masculinity

There is a significant correlation between fascism and masculinity from the article. The author has, in several incidences, made several arguments that depict the existing and unopposed relationship between fascism and masculinity.
Benadusi, Lorenzo. “Masculinity.” The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State? (2017): 51-75.
. The author has indicated fascism is born from the need of the male soldier to equip himself with a body that he has transformed into muscular armour. The main reason why these male soldiers seek to have such bodies is to defend themselves from any attack and external interference. This, therefore, means that it is impossible for a man to be a fascist without becoming masculine. Men who intend to be fascists must be ‘baptized” in masculinity so as to withstand all the pressure that comes with being a fascist. Fascists were completely dissatisfied with the existing world order where traditional masculinity appeared to be missing. They, therefore, sought to inculcate a new order where “real” masculinity could be encouraged and enforced. The fact that fascists were pissed off and dissatisfied with the existing order where masculinity seemed to be diminishing indicates how masculinity was a serious thing of concern to fascism1.
According to the author, hegemonic masculinity mainly resulted from the war. The activities and actions that take place during the war significantly impact the soldiers’ masculinity. There are two possible outcomes for these soldiers as far as masculinity is concerned. First, the activities in the war trenches may make them more aggressive and masculine, and second, it may lead to gradual emasculation of depletion of masculinity. For instance, there is a classical illustration on how the world war stimulated and fortified stereotypical male attributes and therefore established a serious relationship between militarism and masculinity. There are, however, scenarios where military experiences affected the way in which the soldiers perceived their slowly degrading virility. There are cases where the harsh life that the fascist soldiers lead to softening of their virile traits. The author has used the story narrated by Piero Calamandrei to his girlfriend to illustrate this. Piero confided to his girlfriend that he was experiencing a weird experience whereby his heart was getting exited and accommodating to the idea of a soft life and softening of his virile traits. The illustrations above, therefore, show that there are incidences where fascism reduced masculinity and made men develop feminine desires and traits. The confession by Piero indicates the possibility of very many soldiers facing a risk of undergoing feminization and infantilization and therefore reducing masculinity
Kelly, Casey Ryan, and Chase Aunspach. “Incels, compulsory sexuality, and fascist masculinity.” Feminist Formations 32, no. 3 (2020): 145-172.
Fascism also contributed to a change in role which had an impact towards masculinity
Benadusi, Lorenzo. “Masculinity.” The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State? (2017): 51-75.
. The author indicates this by highlighting the “gender” role challenge that Ottone and his girlfriend underwent. The idea of gender role seems to be an incomprehensible fiasco among the two lovers. Ottone’s girlfriend finds it very hard to handle herself as a lady. As required in any relationship, there are certain gender roles that each individual is expected to satisfy. Sandra’s military experience however seems to be a stumbling block towards them achieving and observing the gender roles. Ottone clearly indicated to Sandra that he preferred domestic intimacy to war. He informed Sandra that he wished to “fall in the ocean of love.” Sandra on the
other hand seems to be obsessed with the idea of patriotism and heroism. She dearly wanted her boyfriend to dress up like other men and take part in the fighting. This is very ironic as Sandra appears to be much more masculine as compared to Ottone. The only correct argument that can Justify this, is that Sandra had acquired masculine traits as a result of fascism. This therefore shows how strong the relationship between masculinity and fascism is.
The success rise and success of fascism can only entirely be attributed to the aspirations towards the restoration of masculinity
Gundle, Stephen. “From Mussolini to Berlusconi: Masculinity and Political Leadership in Post-war Italy.” The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Political Culture in Europe (2018): 435-455.
. The moment masculinity was restored, fascism began to do well. This movement intended to emphasize and inculcate violent and virile traits among men. Through fascism, men were taught how to become violent and hype-virile. It made men to perceive violence and viper-virility as the best way of expressing masculinity. The main goal for fascism was to ensure that these men were acquiring and maintaining war like conditions. These Italian men were therefore expected to remain masculine and in a warlike condition even at a time that the country was experiencing peace. This therefore simply means that these men were expected to be masculine all through their lives. In order to ensure that these men were maintaining their masculinity, an organization of fascist militia party was formed. This organization specifically purposed to create an armed army from the young daring masculine men. This, therefore, indicates that fascists engraved their ideology on masculinity. They entirely relayed on masculinity to instill their ideologies to people.

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