[Free Essay]-Examining the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Child Academic Performance

Examining the Relationship between Parental Involvement and Child Academic Performance
My potential grant application topic examines the relationship between parental involvement and child academic performance. In this case, I am interested in exploring how parental involvement can affect children’s academic performance. Understanding this relationship can help inform effective, evidence-based interventions for parents, teachers, and child-serving organizations to promote educational success (Baker & Sirin 2005).
Furthermore, I have been conducting preliminary research on this topic through an extensive literature review. My research has focused on the various types of parental involvement such as active, passive, and interactive aspects, and how they can impact academic performance. The research has revealed that parental involvement positively correlates with higher academic performance in children, with active involvement being the most beneficial (Fan & Chen 2001). Further, my research has indicated that parental involvement is associated with better educational outcomes, such as higher test scores, higher grades, and lower dropout rates.
I am passionate about this research topic because I believe it is important to understand how parental involvement can affect children’s academic performance. By exploring this relationship, I believe we can develop evidence-based interventions to help parents, teachers, and child-serving organizations promote the success of their children (Hoover-Dempsey, K.V., & Sandler1997). Ultimately, I believe that this research has the potential to impact the lives of children and their families positively.

[Free Essay] First Timer’s Best Knife for Backpacking

How to Choose a First Timer’s Best Knife for Backpacking

It’s always a tough call for first-timers when trying to find the best knife for backpacking. Many options are available in the market and finding one that suits you can quickly become a nightmare.

A backpacking knife is on every outdoor survival list, and having the best one is essential. It could mean your survival and, in mild situations, your comfort. You will find a use for your backpacking knife in literally everything you do while in the wilderness. From lighting a fire to chopping your onions and opening your food cans, a backpacker’s knife is a must-have.

In general, a great backpacking knife is made of high-quality material, has a convenient and ergonomic handle, is safe for use, easy to sharpen, and retains sharpness for long. It’s also easy to maintain. Here are a first-timer’s tips for considering the best knife for backpacking.

The Purpose of the Knife

For ages, man has depended on a knife to survive. Backpacking knives are dependable for everything. They are easy to carry around and come in handy when you want to split some tinders when making a fire. They’ll also come in handy when setting up your tent or preparing a meal.

A great backpacking tool will easily handle all of these tasks for you at the same time. This way, you will cut on the culinary knives or machetes that you would have needed for survival.

Even when fishing, your backpacking knife will come in handy when cutting the line or unhooking your catch.


Fixed or Folding

A foldable blade will work fine if you are backpacking light and don’t intend to do fancy tindering or fire making. However, a fixed blade is better if you need more power to cut and chop tough stuff. Fixed blades are also more robust in their use and easier to clean.

Also, fixed blades have a minimal risk of self-inflicted harm. A foldable knife can easily cause harm when retracting the blade. If you are going for a foldable blade, ensure you get one that locks. Foldable blades are also prone to wear and tear and, therefore, less durable than fixed blades.

Size and Weight

Different types of knives come in different sizes. Some are minimalistic and meant for light duties, and others come in large sizes.

If you are looking for something easy to carry around, small knives make an excellent choice for backpacking. They are also easy to pack and carry around. However, they lack strength, and their use is also limited. While you could easily carry them in your backpack, their utility and functionality may be limited.

Mid-sized backpacking knives are best for daily use and can fit nicely in your pockets. Their construction is light, and they are the most convenient backpacking tools for moderate backpackers.

For those backpackers who plan on staying out longer, large-sized backpacking knives come in handy for various wavy duties such as clearing bushes and cutting tree branches. Nonetheless, the large-sized backpacking knives are optimized for ergonomics and comfort but are hard to carry around.


Weight is a more general determinant of the quality of a knife. A blade with extra thickness is stronger. With a heavier backpacking knife, it will be easy to prepare tinders for lighting fires and cut off some bushes or tree branches when clearing your camping ground. It will also be an excellent tool for digging some holes when tethering your tent.




  1. Picking between a Knife and a multitool

Unlike a knife, multitools resemble a tiny toolbox in your hands. A multitool is a backpacking knife with other secondary appliances such as pliers, corkscrews, etc. Multitools can either have a variety of random tools or could come in a specific set of implements.

While multitools are convenient, they are smaller, and their ergonomics are reduced. This makes it hard to depend on multitools for specific actions, such as cutting tree branches while making a fire.

If you are backpacking, chances are you won’t need all the tools that the multitools offer. However, it still depends on the purpose. A simple backpacking knife will be your best choice if you are just aching for a backpacking trip and nothing more.


Safety Features

It’s also important to consider user safety when buying your backpacking knife. While most companies build their knives with user safety in mind, the best knife for backpacking will often spot extra safety considerations for a user.

Features such as a locking blade are important if you want the assurance of safety when carrying your backpacking knife. Locking blades combine the convenience of a foldable knife with the strength of a fixed blade. The locking feature prevents the blade from folding back while in use.



Considering the ease of use is important if you are going for a foldable backpacking knife. Knives that open fast with only one hand are convenient while using, and they often have a notch or cutout on the blade, making it easy to draw the blade out easily with one hand.


An assisted opening mechanism is also a great plus for your backpacking knife. These knives have a safety lock that disengages the opening mechanism of the knife when it’s closed. That way, you are safe against any accidental opening.



Ergonomics is crucial for a backpacker who will depend on their knife for as long as they remain far away from the convenience of having the right tools.

Most people overlook ergonomics when buying a knife. The best knife for backpacking should be comfortable, with a handle that allows for a safe and firm grip.

Ergonomics are crucial in reducing;

  • Risk of injury while using your backpacking knife
  • Making life easier when using your backpacking knife

The Blade Material

Knowing the blade material of your choice knife is important when determining the durability and price of your best backpacking knife. It could also help in making the maintenance of your knife easier.

Backpacking knife blades are made out of different materials. Some are made of stainless steel, titanium, chromium, or carbon.

Stainless steel blade material is easy to sharpen and stays sharp for long. It’s mostly used on small backpacking knives, is the most common, and least expensive.

Carbon steel is often used on large fixed blades, and it holds its edge for long. However, it rusts very fast and will require a maintenance coating to keep it from rusting.

Blades made from titanium or titanium alloy are light and are rust-resistant. A blade made from titanium can only be used for light tasks such as opening cans or preparing food.





Backpacking Knife Maintenance

Backpacking knives are essential for your camping experience and are a crucial tool for general survival. It’s therefore important that you keep your knife well, to ensure that it’s always available for use whenever you need it.


  1. Knives are meant for cutting. Ensure that you use your knife for the right purposes. A backpacking knife should not substitute your hammer or screwdriver. Non-cutting impact inflicted on the knife leads to the eventual destruction of the knife.
  2. Keep your knife clean. This includes every part of the knife, including the tip, handle and fold- if there’s one. Avoid submerging your knife in liquids and make use of the recommended cleaning sprays.
  3. Ensure that your knife is safely stored to avoid causing any harm. Store your knife in a safe and dry place and put it out of reach of children. Ensure that you remove a knife from its sheath periodically for cleaning and drying. Most sheaths are made of leather and tend to absorb moisture and cause rusting to the knife.
  4. Rust is destructive to your blade and should, therefore, be prevented. While some blade materials are resistant to rust, ensure that you remove it by using oil and abrasion. However, keeping your knife clean and dry will prevent oxidation and subsequently rusting.


Comparing Quality and Cost

You’d be surprised to find that the best knife for backpacking is not necessarily expensive. The blade material used in making the knife is often the most significant price determinant.

This is because different knife steels go through various processes of production. A more expensive knife will likely have a high-end bade material. Therefore, you should consider the material used for making the blade material to the reason you need a backpacking knife. A person looking for a light backpacking experience will not require a knife made of the hardest steels.


Finding the best knife for backpacking is often a hard deal for new backpackers. There’s so much to look for online that you could lose yourself with all the options that different companies offer you. Nonetheless, these are the basic considerations that can help you easily settle on your first knife. The best knife for backpacking should be the one that fits your camping needs best. Ensure that you go for a knife that is easy to maintain, is convenient, and versatile. Your backpacking tool is necessary for survival and should be a tool that satisfies your needs. If your pick has all these factors, then it’s likely your best.

[Free Essay] Gender Pay Gap in Nursing

Gender Pay Gap in Nursing
The nursing industry is not new to the gender pay gap issue. Furthermore, this continues to be the case year in and year out because there are no clear active interventions on the matter. Male Registered Nurses (RNs) earn more than their female counterparts despite the female RNs dominating the workforce by more than 87%. According to the Nurse Salary Research Report of 2020, the male RNs’ pay exceeded that of female RNs by approximately $7300 in a year (this means that for every dollar a male RN made, a female RN only made about 90 cents). On the other hand, a 2021 report showed that the gender pay gap rate increased twice as much the previous rate—to a $14000 increment (Mensik, 2022; NurseJournal Staff, 2021).
According to the report, these results were mainly attributed to the fact that male nurses (40%) were reported to be more open to negotiating for a pay rise, while women (31%) were not. Women RNs generally regarded asking for a salary increase as disrespectful or outright ambitious. Another factor was that male RNs, compared to their female counterparts, put in more hours of work per week in addition to working overtime thus deserving the higher pay (Mensik, 2022; NurseJournal Staff, 2021).
It is safe to say that higher education qualification, age, and experience levels do not guarantee equal pay for women nurses, thus not improving the gender gap. The US Department of Labor reveals that a white male despite holding a bachelor’s degree only has higher pay than a woman with higher qualifications. Even as women advance to administrative roles, their pay remains lower than males in similar positions. Race is also a factor contributing to the gender pay gap since women of color with similar qualifications to those of white males get lesser pay. As such, there have been reports of general dissatisfaction from women of color regarding their pay despite working more hours than the nurses from other ethnic groups (Vaughn, 2022).
On top of that, the pandemic is reported to have taken a toll on widening the pay gap as seen in the given statistics. The major contributing factor was that female RNs had to take on family responsibilities as the world came to a standstill. Because of this, they were set back since while they were taking care of family, the male RNs put in more work hours that translated to their pay (Mensik, 2022; NurseJournal Staff, 2021).
Several measures can be taken to help narrow the gender pay gap. First, the healthcare industry should empower female nurses to confidently stand up for themselves and do their bidding for higher salaries. Second, employers should conduct pay audits to ensure that they recognize the pay gaps and work towards reducing them. Third, encouraging nurses to not shy from taking on leadership roles as they can actively help in advocating for equal pay. Fourth, encouraging nurses to join unions which will help lobby their concerns with ‘the strength in their numbers’. And lastly, nurses should speak up by addressing the gender pay gap issue to their leadership hence creating wage transparency; but this can only work if the organization allows input from employees when making major decisions that affect them (Mensik, 2022; NurseJournal Staff, 2021).

[Free Essay] Mexican Culture

Mexican Culture

Mexican culture is one of the most complex, boasting a diverse history and cultural influences. It was influenced by indigenous people, immigrants and Spanish colonists from other parts of the world. However, the culture reflects many of the blended aspects of traditional and modern culture while emphasizing various issues, including the family, religion and celebrations (Zimmermann et al., 2022). It also places a lot of importance on cuisine, art, music and special customs. This culture has had immense impacts on cultures all over the world and continues to do so as various people continue interacting with others. This paper explores various aspects of Mexican culture and its relevance.

Background to Mexican Culture

Mexican culture is a complex fusion of indigenous Mesoamerican roots and influences from Europe, particularly Spain. Numerous facets of Mexican culture, including its art, music, literature, food, and language, are influenced by this blend. Aztec and Mayan ancestry, as well as the country’s sizable Latino population, all had a significant impact on Mexican culture. Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos, Cinco de Mayo, and the Guelaguetza festival are just a few of Mexico’s colourful customs (Zimmermann et al., 2022). Mexico is also well-known for its bright and diverse handicrafts, as well as for its lively street and folk-art forms.

Cultural Values

Mexican culture is founded upon strong cultural values that emphasize respect, family, religion, and traditional; values. The culture is deeply rooted in its spiritual and religious values, which are typically derived from the Catholic faith (Frankovich, 2019). Within the context of this culture, the value of family, respect, and honor cannot be overstated. It is expected of that people they will respect the norms and principles that have been around for generations. In addition, Mexicans have a great sense of community, which is demonstrated by the fact that they like participating in joyous festivals and are dedicated to assisting their friends, family, and neighbors. They have the disposition to be easygoing and calm, emphasizing taking pleasure in life and having fun. Education is another highly valued topic in Mexican culture; parents work hard to give their children the best opportunities possible so they can develop to their maximum potential.


Because of the influence of Spanish missionaries in the 16th century, the predominant religion in Mexican culture is Catholicism (Frankovich, 2019). This faith was brought to Mexico by the Spanish. It is inextricably entwined with the culture, with most holidays and events having some aspect of religious significance to them. The Virgin of Guadalupe is especially revered since she is honored with the title of the patron saint of Mexico, which she received in the 18th century (Frankovich, 2019). Other aspects of the Catholic religion are also widely practiced, such as processions, pilgrimages, and devotional rituals. In addition, there is a robust legacy of folk Catholicism, characterized by incorporating pre-Hispanic religious rituals and beliefs into Catholicism. It is not uncommon for individuals to seek assistance from local healers and spiritual guides, and syncretism between Catholicism and other religions is widespread.

Diet Preferences

Mexican food relies heavily on corn, beans, squash, garlic, and chile peppers. It is high in carbohydrates, protein, and fiber yet low in fat. Fat is also low. Traditional Mexican cooking uses mostly lard and vegetable oil (Santiago-Torres et al., 2016). Mexican cuisine rarely uses butter. Mexicans also eat a range of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, including cheeses and yogurts, which contribute to the country’s abundant agricultural and dairy offers. Mexicans love spicy meals and utilize many herbs and spices. Their cuisine reflects this fiery predilection. Tacos, tamales, and pozole remain popular despite the rise in processed meals and soft drinks.


The family unit plays an essential role in Mexican society and is considered to be the fundamental unit of the culture. Families are often quite large, with members of the extended family either living under the same roof or in close proximity (Zoucha & Zamarripa-Zoucha, 2021). The concept of the family as a cohesive entity that provides support and consistency is widely held. A high emphasis is placed in Mexican families on values such as respect and loyalty to one another, which are then passed down from one generation to the next. Families in Mexico are typically quite close-knit, and members frequently lean on one another for both emotional and financial assistance.

Most traditional families have a hierarchical structure, with the father serving as the head of the home (Putri et al., 2022). While the father is expected to be the primary provider of financial support and a key decision-maker, it is typical for the woman to assume the duty of caring for the children physically and emotionally. The extended family, which includes the child’s grandparents, aunts, and uncles, all contribute to the child’s upbringing, is extremely important in Mexican society. People in authority are frequently respected; the importance is typically placed on following the rules and respecting elders. Children are therefore taught to revere and submit to their parents, as well as other elders and those in positions of power. Because loyalty and solidarity are so highly valued in Mexican society, it is customary for family members to watch out for and support one another when things are tough.


Mexicans are known for their warm, pleasant, and informal communication. Mexicans frequently use their body language and non-verbal cues to express their sentiments and emotions. Distance between two people communicating is less important in this culture, and people are likely to communicate while standing two or three feet from each other (Mexicomate, 2021). However, unnecessary eye contact is considered disruptive in Mexican culture and should be avoided. Mexicans tend to be fairly forthright in their communication and frequently express their emotions without hesitation. The emotional expressions of Mexicans are extremely well known; they frequently exhibit enthusiasm and joy with raucous voices and gestures.
Regarding gender, men exert their authority over women, even in communication. They are expected to express themselves very confidently and showcase their strength by providing for their families. They make all major family decisions, while the women are expected to be submissive.
Mexicans typically favor face-to-face contact over digital or written communication when it comes to communication preferences. They also favor using Spanish, which is their mother tongue, when speaking. In communication, tact and respect are extremely important to Mexicans, and they anticipate having their opinions heard and respected. They also strongly emphasize family and friendship, frequently prioritizing personal ties over business ones (Mexicomate, 2021). Therefore, individuals could be more prone to engage in in-depth discourse with friends or family than coworkers or business partners. Remembering this when conversing with Mexicans is vital because they also tend to communicate relatively straightforwardly.


Mexican culture is a rich and vibrant mix of traditional and modern influences that have been shaped over centuries. Mexican culture has something to offer everyone from its vibrant music and art to its exquisite cuisine and vibrant festivals. It is a culture that is both inclusive and diverse, one that values family and community. Many people belong to the Catholic faith, but with unique features since the Mexicans place particular importance on the queen of Guadalupe. The culture is mainly patriarchal since men are expected to make significant decisions concerning the family and communicate them to the wife. The culture is unique in its way.

[Free Essay] The ethical Dilemma Kant’s moral theory


Today’s work environments are consistent with having people from diverse backgrounds. They include different aspects of the working relationships within organizations which include nationality, education, age, religion, race and ethnicity and sexual orientation. In spite of the fact that many organizations recruit people from diverse backgrounds, the individuals bring their own unique set of skills, goals, values and perceptions about acceptable behaviours. As soon as they ensure the organization, multicultural individuals are expected to work together and adhere to organizational policies and objectives. However, in workplace settings, several ethical dilemmas are bound to arise, which are not limited to employee management, which may include salaries, downsizing employees and successful business organization. These dilemmas add to work-related stress. Resolving such ethical dilemmas requires understanding ethical principles, concepts and theories that provide a basis for making ethical decisions in the workplace.

The ethical Dilemma

The employee sof Dnaa Netwrorsk, a company dealing in supplies, complained of racial discrimination at the workplace. Black employees were continuously discriminated against when it came to promotion denials, unequal pay, and a hostile work environment. The complaints continued for several months. Following last year’s employee performance appraisal, it was noted that all the black employees received lower rading on the appraisal scale compared to their white counterparts. It is worth noting that the company is situated in a predominantly white neighbourhood, with most of its clients being white people, usually above the age of 45. Three employees stormed the manager’s office demanding an explanation for the consistently discriminative treatment against black employees, which was evident across the company. In spite of the fact that diversity was considered during recruitment, this did not reflect in the pay and promotions of minority employees. A scuffle ensued, and the manager insisted that the workplace processes were at pace to ensure that equality was observed. However, he alos noted that since most of the clients are white, it was only practical to have white employees being promoted to higher ranks as this was a good fit with the existing client base and thus was “good for business”. He also suggested that any of the employees who were aggrieved could seek employment elsewhere and that he was willing to give a good recommendation for the same. However, the affected employees insisted that thses actions amounted to discrimination on the basis of race which was against the provisions of Section 1981 and Title VII of the constitution.

The right way to resolve this Dilemma

Unequal treatment fo employees within the work environment are unethical when done with no justification for the same. In this case, the employees were discriminated against on the basis of their race, which is a protected characteristic and goes against human rights provisions. The first thing that needs to be done is to contact alla the aggrieved parties and set up a meeting to understand the cause of the dispute. Additionally, it would be important to gather relevant information and data to determine the authenticity of the claims, and this should include responses from both parties in the dispute. The next thing is to ensure that all the parties are accountable for their actions and understand racial discrimination, why it is harmful and why diversity is important. Discrimination is harmful to society because it perpetuates inequality and infringement on people’s rights to fundamental freedoms, which in this case include the right to equal opportunity and equality in legal treatment. Moreover, it alos causes lower productivity, disengagement, and high staff turnover.
Therefore, it is important to first communicate that everyone has the right to be treated equally regardless of race or ethnicity. This is the right thing to do and is supported by Kantiams, which supports making morally right decisions. Understanding that diversity is good for business as it boosts innovation and financial performance is crucial. Moreover, it will be important for the manager to understand that a toxic work culture is not good for everyone, as employees must feel secure in their workplace.
It would be necessary to engage in various conflict management skills such as communication, empathy, negotiation, and emotional intelligence so that I may understand the position of both parties. It will alos be necessary to get a commitment from the managers that they will treat employees fairly and equally and ensure that the employees understand that grievances must be challenged through the right processes and communication channels. It may also be necessary to get a commitment from the management that they will address these complaints through various means, including educating and training their staff on diversity and inclusion, refusing to condone discrimination and harassment and setting up policies to support equality and punish discrimination.

The strongest argument against, or alternative to, your proposed solution to the Dilemma.

The strongest argument against the proposed solution is tha fact that promoting black employees may affect the company’s client business, which will negatively impact the business revenues and the company’s ability to maintain its current workforce. According to Utlitarinims, a decision is considered ethical if it results in maximum benefits for the largest number of people. Minati9ng the practice of promoting white employees would therefore be justified by Utlintarisims because it translates to increased benefits to the organization and all its employees. In this regard, utilitarianism may be inconsistent with the recognition of individual rights because, in this theory, the concepts of fairness and justice may place limitations on the sacrifices that some people need to make for the benefit fo all. In tis case, the black employees had sacrificed their right to promotion and higher pay to ensure that the company continued to attract and maintain many clients from the white majority. This position may be argued from the point of racist ideology, which suggests that some races are inherently superior to others, and this may be demonstrated explicitly and implicitly. Racist ideology is therefore displayed in the attitudes, values, stereotypes and beliefs of people, as was the case of the company’s manager, who felt that the racial concerns of the client base should be taken into account when selecting who should manage these clients. In these cases, the beliefs were consciously and unconsciously maintained by the management and potentially the company’s clients and thus have become deeply embedded in the systems and structure of the organizations.

The strongest argument against/ response to the position outlined in part

The principle of equality requires that people or cases would be treated except where a morally relevant difference can be identified and ascertained. This is alos consistent with the assumptions of Kant’s categorical imperative as well as the Golden Rule. The principle of equality applies to alla auton0mus and rational persons and thus helps to avoid the violation of individual rights and duty to others. An explanation for equal treatment of people from different races can be found in the Critical Race Theory, which seeks to explain how the concepts of race and racism are embedded in society. This theory suggests that race is a social construct which means that treating people differently from a racial perspective is a product of societal beliefs rather than scientifically or biologically proven facts. The Kantian perspective suggests that empirical attitudes and people’s perceived or real diffrences and capabilities are irrelevant to matters of rights and justice. Hence, each person has absolute worth and deserves equal treatment irrespective of the outcomes for the busies. Hence black employees should be treated equally and thus deserve equality with other races in regard to paying, promotions and the nature of the work environment.


Kant’s moral theory highlight the different perspectives on the treatment of employees as they introduced the elements of fairness and justice. Whereas discrimination may be justified in some instances, the case study highlights a case of discrimination on the basis of race which results in inequality. Hence, solving this ethical DilemmaDilemma requires observance of the law and the ethical principles and theories to ensure that the case is resolved amicably and appropriately.

[Free Essay]- Conflict Resolution Policy

Introduction to Conflict
Conflicts are a usual part of any organization’s progress. Usually, conflicts happen when employees working together have disagreements. This is expected because it is common for workplace employees to have diverse ideas, perspectives, beliefs, and interests at some point. Conflict can be divided into two types based on its impact on the business. Different ideas about a business may produce positive results when the individuals involved are willing to brainstorm solutions mutually. Another type of conflict is dangerous to the organization, which occurs when colleagues working together are not getting along well. When colleagues do not get along, this is referred to as a “personal clash,” It can lead to negative work relationships, unlawful discrimination against an employee, or unprofessional behavior, all of which can lead to the business’s demise. Therefore, formulating effective policy for conflict resolution, especially in a healthcare setting, is crucial to maintaining a comfortable, positive environment for everyone within the workplace, ensuring employees’ well-being and building a positive culture for the quality delivery of services.

A Brief Discussion About What Workplace Conflict Is and Why A Policy Is Important

Workplace conflict refers to any dispute within the work setting or among the employees. It may involve disagreements between managers and/or employees, customers, or the company, with the highest probability involving employee disputes outside working hours (Caesens et al., 2019). It is a dynamic concept that may involve a number of forms of disputes that are usually treated differently, such as labor-management conflict and employment conflict. Beyond those two kinds, however, a workplace dispute may arise between two or more workers without the employer being a participant.

When conflicts arise within the workplace, they must be resolved before they escalate into a big problem within the organization. The organization needs to have competent policies and procedures to resolve any underlying conflict peacefully. This is crucial, especially to healthcare organizations that deal with individuals’ lives. A policy refers to a course of action proposed or adopted by an organization to achieve rational outcomes. In this context, the policy is important for guiding the effective action that should be taken for efficient conflict resolution and achieving positive results (Keashly et al., 2020). Although employees having diverse values and beliefs may create tension, a policy for conflict resolution seeks to lead these people into a mutually beneficial change for the organization’s benefit. For instance, when colleagues’ values and beliefs differ within a healthcare setting, the policy may guide them to be empathetic while keeping their common interests in mind. They may focus on what they have in common, such as patients and care practices, to maintain a productive conversation.

Policy and Procedures for Resolving Conflict

Creating a comprehensive policy within a conflict resolution process is crucial for ensuring employees work in harmony and their issues are always resolved within the workplace. The procedure for achieving an airtight policy involves, first, having effective communication within the workplace (Raines, 2019). In this case, as the leader strives to enhance healthy discussion with the rest of the workplace team, it is important to let everyone know that diversified ideas are acceptable. That means it is not necessary for an individual to agree on what is tabled for discussion, but rather they are entitled to different opinions. It helps build a culture of openness where everyone has the freedom to express their ideas within their line of profession, and as a result, ideas are expressed in a manner that minimizes conflict. It even lays the foundation for critical thinking to develop quality ideas.

It is also important for a leader to empower employees to solve conflicts among themselves. This involves showing the employees the importance of discussing the conflict situation among themselves rather than rushing it immediately to the managers (Raines, 2019). This is because what appears to be a conflict between one employee and another may not be, and reporting the incident to the manager may escalate rather than resolve issues; this is because the employee to whom the case is reported may be unaware of what they did, causing the environment to become tense.

Encouraging employees to involve supervisors in critical conflict resolution situations is important. This is because there are situations in which employees alone may not resolve the conflict, but when left to their own devices, it may lead to more tension (Raines, 2019). Managers may frequently assist conflicting staff in concentrating on agreed goals and objectives. The employee may request a meeting to express their concerns if the problem is with the supervisor.

As a leader, it is important to understand the instances in which HR should be involved in conflict resolution. Employees should be made aware that they should contact HR in such cases. This follows an in-depth investigation of the severity of the conflict, such as harassment, bullying, and violence. Such severe conflict should have clearly outlined punishments within the policy to ensure that employees understand what awaits them when involved in such conflict.

As a leader, one should be able to foresee conflict situations within the workplace and address them even before they are reported by just learning about them through observations. Additionally, while resolving conflict, it is important to ensure it is resolved for good (Raines, 2019). This means that the leader should commit themselves to resolve the conflict until it is completely resolved. Most importantly, it is critical to regularly remind employees of the proper code of conduct to avoid conflict scenarios and occurrences. Once conflicts occur within the workplace, it is important for the leaders to understand the critical procedures for resolving them. This involves first assessing the conflict situation by deciding whether it requires attention, analyzing the impact it will have on the workplace, and determining the anticipated change once the conflict is resolved (Stepanova et al., 2020).

The second procedure involves understanding the conflict from the perspective of taking time to determine the desired outcomes and major concerns of the conflict. Consider the dispute from the other side and what you share, like efficient patient care. Considering the other individual’s viewpoint may also help one connect with them, making a favorable resolution simpler.
The third step involves addressing the conflict immediately while it is still relevant before it escalates (Raines, 2019). The fourth step the employee should take is to try to have a private conversation about the issue away from the patients, in healthcare, for instance. Once they meet for a dialogue, it is important for each to clearly state their concerns, particularly their main goal as nurses, and go in the direction of a common goal.

While addressing the conflict, it is important to focus on the issue rather than the colleague they are resolving it with to avoid blaming one another. Additionally, while conversing, it is important to listen actively and be open-minded to highlight new perspectives (Raines, 2019). When it is hard to come to an agreement, it is important to seek a mediator and terminate the dialogue. Lastly, it is important for workers to learn how to avoid future conflicts by developing interpersonal skills such as active listening, managing conflicts, and empathy through effective communication skills.

A Proposed Outline for Training Topics

While new employees are being integrated into the organization for the first time, it is critical to take them through policy and conflict resolution training topics in order to reduce the incidences of unnecessary conflicts (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020). This may involve the following outline:
Understanding what is meant by “conflict management” This topic should seek to explain to the employees the context of conflict within the workplace and be in a position to develop a significant procedure to lead individuals involved in a conflict to completely resolve their issue (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020).

Conflict management strategies This topic seeks to outline various training procedures for approaching different styles of conflict. This diversifies the employee’s capability to resolve a wide range of conflicts within the work environment (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020). It focuses on conflict resolution techniques that improve participants’ capacity to handle emotions, manage conflict, and behave assertively.
Conflict resolution criteria The settlement of conflicts in the workplace is the primary emphasis of our Conflict Management Training, which also provides participants with effective conflict resolution tactics that greatly contribute to the improvement of conflict resolution in the workplace (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020).

The significance of conflict management Different needs, perspectives, and expectations cause conflict. Conflict is inherent in human relationships. More significantly, disagreement may promote considerable progress if managed effectively (Kay & Skarlicki, 2020). Thus, conflict resolution skills are crucial for career and organizational advancement. We included workplace conflict resolution in our leadership training programs because it is so important.

Conflict management is a critical aspect in every organization; therefore, to be a leader, one has to develop a written policy within the work environment that outlines critical guidelines that minimize all possibilities of conflict occurrence. The developed policy should be oriented toward reaching positive change in conflict management. It is also important to note that, as much as efforts are employed to avoid any conflict, it is hard to avoid them; therefore, leaders should have a plan for resolving conflict if it occurs. Most importantly, training new and current employees on the relevant topics of conflict management is a crucial part of avoiding any conflict within the workplace to avoid any downfall as a result of poor employee productivity.