In this section, we completed our material. We ended by looking at the institutions of government. That is, Congress, the presidency, and the federal judiciary. If we have succeeded, you now know more about American government than a majority (75%) of the population. It is also important that you have a firmer appreciation for the process of government.
Finally, you should have solidified the habit of reading a good credible newspaper or two. You now realize how important it is to have a well educated and informed citizenry and you are a member of that citizenry. Your democracy needs you.
The purpose of this assignment continues to be: Why Politics Matters to Me.
Please write an essay in which you demonstrate an understanding of the political realm and why it matters. It is an open-ended assignment. That is, you can take any approach that you want in answering the question: Why Politics Matters To Me. Be sure to include evidence that you recognize and comprehend the topics and issues presented in this section. Also, demonstrate that you follow and understand things happening around you.
To give you some structure the essay:
Will answer the question: Why politics matters to me
- Will include evidence that you understand current course content, e.g., Congress, the presidency, the judiciary
- Will demonstrate an understanding of the world around you gained by reading real, credible, and sourced newspapers
- Will demonstrate the interconnectedness of topics and current issues
- Will comport itself to college level writing including formatting, tone, grammar, and proper citations when necessary
- Hints:
- We are looking for quality of work not the number of words
Be self-reflective
Demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the subject material
- Look for interconnectedness
- Be intellectually honest
- Most of this work should be done in your head while you are working your way through the section
- Reading Book PDF Page 422-606