Why are there so many authoritarian states in the Middle East?

In a coherent essay of no more than five pages, answer the following questions:

1.Why are there so many authoritarian states in the Middle East?

2.What are the characteristics of authoritarian states in the region?

3.Suncallah Ibrahim’s The Committee is a dark fantasy exploring the legacies of authoritarianism and neo-liberalism in the contemporary Middle East.Although it is loosely based on Franz Kafka’s The Trial, Ibrahim’s book focuses on the horrors and dilemmas Egyptians face in the late twentieth/early twenty-first-century, rather than those faced by Kafka’s protagonist in the early twentieth century.What characteristics of authoritarianism and neo-liberalism in Egypt does Ibrahim present (metaphorically) in The Committee, and how does he go about presenting them (for example, through which characters, scenes, objects, etc.).

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