You will use anthropological methods to examine a cultural situation from three different perspectives before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, and then you will propose and/or predict how human behavior will change because of this disease. Your presentation can also be in a digital presentation format of your choosing (e.g., report, poster presentation, photo journal, video, podcast, website, blog, game, video, etc). See the grading rubric below to see what you need to include in your presentation. You will post your presentation in a discussion to share with your peers. While you are not required to post a peer response, I encourage you to view some of your peers’ projects — you might learn something new!
In this project, we are not tethered to “going into the field” because many of us don’t have time, and our circumstances are preventing us from leaving home — so we have to get creative. For this fieldwork project, you might decide to do observations from a distance — outside recording what you see, online — observing people’s reactions, interpreting a dataset, attending a virtual religious event or museum tour, or watching the market. Or you might get creative and observe your family using video or recordings or photographs. In all cases, you will need to be observant, record your findings, and report your results. Listen to the following podcast to get a little background on where we might go with this project.