[Free Essay] Nursing Assessment and Treatment

Discuss the assessments that were used on these individuals.

Depending on the case, the participants were exposed to various assessments. Psychologists and psychiatrists are the ones who took the lead on George Metesky’s case. They assessed his mental state and learnt more about his intents and activities through interviews and examinations. Mike Tyson’s case was likewise evaluated using several methods. A committee of psychologists and psychiatrists analyzed his potential for future violence. It includes psychological assessments. These tests were used to assess Tyson’s personality, emotional stability, and mental health (Ewing & McCann, 2006). Psychiatrists and psychologists also questioned Tyson to learn more about his motives, views, and potential risk factors for violent conduct.

Were the assessments used appropriately?

The assessments used on these individuals were appropriate for the situation, as each was tailored to the individual and their particular circumstances. The assessments provided a more comprehensive understanding of the individuals and their potential for violence, which allowed for better decision-making.

How were the assessments performed?

In each case, the assessments were completed correctly and professionally. The psychological tests used in the Metesky case were performed by experts in the field, who also conducted technical interviews with Metesky to understand his motivations and beliefs better. Mike Tyson was also evaluated using a variety of approaches. Two psychological tests utilized in his examination by a panel of psychiatrists and psychologists were the MMPI and the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R). These tests examined Tyson’s personality, emotional stability, and mental health. Psychiatrists and psychologists also questioned Tyson to learn more about his motives, views, and potential risk factors for violent conduct.

What were the strengths and limitations of their use in court?

In court, psychological examinations can be used to determine a defendant’s potential for future aggressiveness and to understand their motivations and viewpoints. Psychological evaluations can also be used to determine a person’s mental and emotional well-being, which is important in determining whether or not they are legally sane and capable of standing trial.
One of its weaknesses is the subjective character of psychological assessments in court, which rely primarily on the assessor’s interpretation. Furthermore, psychological exams may need to be more accurate since they may not accurately represent the individual’s actual state of mind (Ma et al., 2019). Furthermore, some people may hesitate to comply with the tests, limiting their usefulness.

What was the outcome of these cases?

The results of the instances differed. George Metesky was convicted guilty of the bombings after being proven legally insane. He was sentenced to 20 years and died in detention in 1994. Mike Tyson, for example, was convicted guilty of rape and sentenced to six years in jail. He served his three-year sentence and was released (Kagiaros, 2019). He returned to the ring after his release and had a successful career.

HubSpot is a complete software platform for marketing, sales, and customer care

HubSpot is a complete software platform for marketing, sales, and customer care to promote business growth. To help businesses expand, it offers a variety of tools and services that help them draw in, keep, and satisfy customers.
HubSpot didn’t achieve the appropriate level of human-like attributes for its objectives. Bots struggled with language intricacy, unlike humans. Thus, some recommended that companies should not disclose that customers were talking with AI but instead let them assume they were chatting with a live human to benefit from human-built relationships. Chatbots can mimic some human behaviors, but they can’t match the complexity and nuance of human interaction. Chatbots are limited by their training and cannot understand human context or emotions. The article highlights, “As technology and artificial intelligence continue to advance, chatbots may become more sophisticated and better able to mimic human conversation. However, it is important to keep in mind that a chatbot is not capable of truly experiencing emotions or understanding the world in the same way a human does.”
Additionally, the article further asserts, “These early days of . . . bots . . . are a cautionary tale. Technology may be good and getting better, but nothing replaces a person. That’s unlikely to change for a while, and maybe ever.” Thus, chatbots are not at the level of a human beings. Research also revealed that 42% wanted a human agent to answer complicated inquiries. 75% didn’t think chatbots could handle complex problems, and 90% thought they should always be able to talk to a human. Facebook estimated that 70% of chatbots failed to meet customer needs. Only 12% of healthcare bot conversations were completed without transferring the customer to a human operator.
HubSpot’s chatbot offers various opportunities for the company, including Improved Customer Experience: Chatbots quickly and efficiently respond to customer inquiries, increasing the customer experience. HubSpot analyzed its content interactions through clickstream analysis and built a customer profile in its CRM system. Increased Efficiency: Chatbots handle routine and repetitive tasks, freeing up customer support teams to focus on more complex issues and educating customers about HubSpot’s offerings and how they might meet their needs; bots provide instant responses to customers’ needs without the stress of waiting in a call queue or having to call during business hours. Chatbots offer 24/7 service to consumers. Increased Engagement: Chatbots engage website and app visitors, reducing bounce rates. Better Data and Insights: Chatbots capture consumer interaction and behavior data, revealing customer needs and preferences. Increase sales. According to the Corporate Executive Board, 57% of the marketing and sales process was typically completed before a prospect had physical contact with a seller.
One of the biggest challenges that HubSpot encountered when creating its chatbot was to develop a bot that could understand and respond to human language naturally and conversationally. Chatbots often rely on pre-developed scripts and commands, but this approach can limit their effectiveness as users expect a conversational interface to understand their intentions and respond accordingly. To overcome this challenge, HubSpot invested in natural language processing technology, fueled by pre-programmed algorithms and machine learning to assist the chatbot in mimicking and comprehending the conversational context and replying more human-likely. Additionally, it provided a robust set of customization tools that allowed businesses to mold the chatbot to their specific needs and create unique conversational experiences for their customers. HubSpot’s efforts to overcome the challenges of chatbot development have been successful, as evidenced by the positive feedback and widespread adoption of their chatbot solution. The company continues to invest in chatbot technology and expand its capabilities, and it is widely recognized as one of the leading providers of chatbot solutions in the market. Overall, HubSpot has demonstrated a solid ability to overcome the challenges of chatbot development. Their chatbot solution is a testament to their expertise and commitment to innovation in this field.
Generally, it is a recommended practice for companies to disclose when communicating with a bot. Customers’ expectations are better set in this way, and confusion or dissatisfaction is reduced. For instance, customers must understand that they are not dealing with a human agent when speaking with a customer care chatbot. This can aid in controlling expectations for response times and the extent of available assistance. Additionally, being transparent with customers about the use of chatbots might assist in increasing their trust. Customers are more inclined to trust a company if it is transparent about how it uses technology and if it is evident when interacting with it.
The HubSpot chatbot case provides several important lessons for using artificial intelligence (AI) in business. To understand and reply to human language naturally, a chatbot must be equipped with natural language processing technologies. With this investment, chatbots may live up to customer expectations and may have more usefulness. Similarly, distinctive and engaging conversational experiences for customers depend on customization capabilities that enable businesses to adapt the chatbot to their individual needs. This guarantees that the chatbot satisfies their particular needs and helps to boost its worth for organizations. Additionally, making the chatbot easy to use and integrate into existing systems can help to streamline the implementation process and make it accessible to a broader range of businesses. This is important for maximizing the potential benefits of the chatbot and increasing its value for businesses. Furthermore, transparency is crucial and Companies must be transparent about when they are interacting with a bot, as this helps to set the right expectations for customers and build trust with customers. Finally, continuous innovation is necessary. HubSpot’s continued investment in chatbot technology and expansion of its capabilities demonstrates the importance of constant innovation in the field of AI.

[Free Essay] Costa Rica History

Costa Rica History
Costa Rica is a small Central American country famed for its stunning natural beauty, different climates, and commitment to democracy, peace, and eco-tourism (Restrepo et al., 2022). Its history stretches back to the indigenous people who first inhabited the region, similar to the Chibchan, before the first Europeans, led by Christopher Columbus, arrived in the Caribbean in 1502. Costa Rica declared independence from Spain in 1821 and has remained a democracy since 1838. In extension, Costa Rica does not have states but has seven provinces Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, Limón, Puntarenas, and San José. Each province is governed by an optional governor elected by popular vote. The provinces differ in terms of geography, climate, and culture. The climate of Costa Rica is tropical, with temperatures ranging from 22 to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The stormy season generally runs from May to November, with the wettest months occurring in the mountain regions.
According to research, the country is known for its natural beauty, with lush rainforests, stunning strands, and different wildlife. It is home to over 3000 species of plants and creatures, including monkeys, sloths, jaguars, and turtles. The five major regions of Costa Rica are the Central Valley, the Pacific Lowlands, the Caribbean Lowlands, the Central Mountain Range, and the Southern Pacific (Restrepo et al., 2022). The capital city is San José, located in the Central Valley, and other major metropolises include Alajuela, Cartago, Heredia, Puntarenas, and Limón. As of 2021, the population of Costa Rica is estimated to be 5.0 million. Approximately 75 to 80 of the population is of European descent, and the remainder is of African, Indigenous, or Asian descent (Vinson, 2014). The main industries in Costa Rica are agriculture, eco-tourism, technology, and manufacturing. Coffee, bananas, sugar, and beef are the main exports, while the main significances are energy, vehicles, and electrical equipment. The currency of Costa Rica is the Costa Rican Colon (CRC), with an exchange rate of 577 CRC to the US Dollar. Also, the Costa Rican service was established in 1848, when the country declared its independence from Spain. The service was abolished in 1949 as part of the country’s commitment to peace and democracy. Since also, the country has concentrated on maintaining peace and stability and has been a leader in global peacekeeping efforts. The Costa Rican government promotes human rights, environmental protection, and profitable development.
Politics and Religion
Costa Rica is a vibrant Central American nation located on the island between North and South America (Helmuth, 2000). It is a popular democracy with an indigenous democracy, a presidential system, and a multi-party system. Costa Rica is one of the most politically stable countries in Latin America, and its current president is Carlos Alvarado Quesada, who has held office since 2018. The government is formed by a three-tiered system executive, legislative, and judicial, with the administrative power held by the president and the legislative power held by the Legislative Assembly. As similar, interest groups play an important part in the political process, expressing their concerns through demurrers, demonstrations, lobbying and advocacy, and public education and outreach. Bribery is prohibited in Costa Rica, although it is not uncommon for public officials to demand or accept bribes in exchange for favors.
Politics is a popular content of discussion in Costa Rica, as people frequently discuss current events, choices, and other issues related to the government. Regarding religion, Costa Rica does not have a state religion. Still, several religions are represented in the country, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Catholicism is the dominant religion in the country, with roughly 60 of the population relating as unqualified (Belgrave, 2016). The other major religions in the country are Protestantism and Evangelicalism, which comprise roughly 19 and 4 of the population, respectively. The five dominant religious values in the country are family, faith, respect, charity, and community. Family is seen as the foundation of society, faith is the foundation of morality, respect is valued as a way to foster harmony, charity is a way to give back to the community, and community is seen as a way to build unity and promote social cohesion.
Daily Life and-Verbal Communication
Costa Rica is a culturally different country that still values traditional beliefs and customs but quickly contemporizes and conforms to transnational morals (Schmidt et al., 2023). Non-verbal communication is essential to understanding Costa Rican culture, as an estimated 65 of all communication is non-verbal. When greeting someone, the traditional Costa Rican custom is to give a light kiss on the right cheek. Still, this is generally done among close friends and family, and most people will conclude with a light handshake or a simple ” hola “(hello) when interacting with unfamiliar people. When saying goodbye, people generally say ” adiós “( goodbye) or ” hasta luego “( see you latterly). In addition, gift-giving is an important part of Costa Rican culture, and it is customary to bring a small token when invited to someone’s home for dinner or a party.
Common gifts include food, flowers, wine, chocolates, and other small items. It is important to remember that in Costa Rica, it is considered rude to give a commodity that’s too precious or too extravagant. Also, gifts should not be given in the presence of the recipient. Also, the distance between two people varies depending on their relationship. For illustration, people who are close friends or family members are likely to be much near to one another than strangers. Generally speaking, the applicable quantum of space between two people is about two feet. As for eye contact, Costa Ricans maintain eye contact for longer than people from other societies. This is seen as a sign of respect and interest in the discussion. In Costa Rica, people tend to be more relaxed about time management than in other countries. Punctuality is appreciated but only sometimes anticipated, and it is common for people to be late for social events or meetings. Also, it is important to remember that “time is plutocrat “is not as current in Costa Rica as in other places. Certain verbal actions and hand gestures can be seen as obnoxious or discourteous. For illustration, it is considered rude to point at someone or to make a ” thumbs up ” gesture. Also, it is important to remember that any physical contact with someone unfamiliar is not respectable. It is also important to note that people in Costa Rica tend to stand near one another when talking, and a lack of eye contact can be seen as a sign of disinterest or disrespect.
Education and Social Structure
Education in Costa Rica is free for all scholars up to the ninth grade, and the government provides incentives for those who continue to advanced levels of study. Costa Rica’s education system is divided into three stages primary, secondary, and advanced education. Primary education consists of six training times and is divided into two levels; the first three are called elementary education, and the final three are appertained to as advanced education. Secondary education is three years in length and is divided into three distinct levels general secondary education, vocational secondary education, and professional secondary education. Advanced education includes universities, specialized colleges, and professional institutes. Also, the Costa Rican education system is largely regarded with a focus on furnishing quality education to all scholars (Rodriguez- Segura, 2020). The country’s knowledge rate is one of the loftiest in the world, and its education system is ranked among the best in Latin America. The system emphasizes the significance of critical thinking, problem-working, and creativity and is designed to promote the development of a well-rounded individual.

According to research, Costa Rica strongly commits to social justice and equivalency. Discrimination grounded on gender, race, or ethnical origin is banned by law, and multitudinous government initiatives are in place to ensure that all citizens are treated fairly. The Costa Rican government has a policy of affirmative action, which seeks to ensure that minority groups and underprivileged individuals have access to the same opportunities as everyone differently. Despite its commitment to social justice and equivalency, Costa Rica has discrimination issues. Women, in particular, experience discrimination in the workplace and other areas, and several organizations are devoted to fighting for their rights. Discrimination against the indigenous people of Costa Rica is also a problem; they are frequently treated as alternate-class citizens and face advanced levels of poverty, unemployment, and ignorance than other groups (Dembicz, 2020).
Business and Social Customs
Costa Rica is an ethnically different country in Central America that’s famed for its friendly people and spectacular geographies. Its numerous cultures heavily tell its business and social customs, with a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, respect for nature, and collaborative respect. This article will explore some of Costa Rica’s business values and how businesses and industries in the country reflect sustainability values. One of the most dominant business values in Costa Rica is respect for nature (Restrepo et al., 2022). Costa Rica is known for its stunning natural beauty and commitment to guarding its environment. This respect for nature is reflected in how businesses operate in the country. Businesses in Costa Rica aim to minimize their negative impacts on the environment by enforcing sustainable practices and technologies. For illustration, numerous companies have adopted clean energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce their carbon footprints. They also strive to reduce waste and conserve water.
Also, Costa Rica’s businesses are heavily focused on promoting eco-tourism, using original resources responsibly, and conserving biodiversity. Collaborative respect is another important business value in Costa Rica. It is common for businesses in the country to prioritize the requirements of the original community over their own. This respect for the original community is demonstrated through the employment of original workers, the support of original businesses, and the procurement of original resources. Companies also invest in social programs that benefit the original community, similar to education and healthcare initiatives. Businesses in Costa Rica also strive to make strong connections with their customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. These connections are grounded on collective trust, understanding, and respect (Restrepo et al., 2022). In addition to respect for nature and collaborative respect, Costa Rica’s business values also include a strong sense of responsibility and responsibility. Businesses in the country are anticipated to act responsibly and to cleave to legal and ethical norms. Companies are anticipated to pay levies, comply with labor laws, and ensure the safety of their workers. Businesses in Costa Rica must also be transparent about their operations and strive to maintain a positive reputation in the community.
Costa Rica is a country with vibrant, scrumptious, and different cuisine. The locals primarily eat a variety of soups and stews, such as” Sopa Negra”(black bean haze) and” Gallo Pinto”(rice and beans). Also, their diet includes a variety of staples like plantains, yucca, potatoes, and squash. Fish, chicken, and pork are also popular proteins. The eating culture in Costa Rica is relatively relaxed and social. People enjoy refections with family and friends, savoring the flavors, and enjoying the company (Vinson, 2014). Eating is also a social activity, with locals gathering to share gossip, news, and stories over a meal. Food goods are important to the citizens of Costa Rica, both for import and export. Imports include grains, fruits, vegetables, and flesh, while exports correspond to coffee, bananas, beef, and sugar. Thus, these food goods are essential to Costa Rica’s economy and give jobs and a livelihood for numerous of the population. Globalization has affected traditional Costa Rican cuisine and food practices (Vinson, 2014).
Health and Safety
Costa Rica is a popular tourist destination due to its high health and safety standards. Medical facilities are available throughout the country, ranging from state-run to private hospitals and clinics. The public health system is excellent, and drinking water is safe in most parts of the country. However, travelers should be aware of the potential for petty theft, pickpocketing, and natural disasters such as floods and landslides. The crime rate in Costa Rica is relatively low, but tourists should take extra care when traveling in rural or remote areas.
Their Attitude toward You
Costa Rica is a small nation often overlooked in Central America, but one that holds a big heart and an open attitude towards visitors from the United States. In that regard, the people of Costa Rica are renowned for their warmth and hospitality, and they have a welcoming attitude toward Americans and tourists. They are eager to share their culture and go out of their way to ensure visitors are comfortable and welcome (Restrepo et al.,2022). This is evident in how they interact with Americans and tourists, with the many English-speaking schools, businesses, and other amenities that have sprung up in recent years to accommodate the growing ex-pat population. Besides, my attitude towards the people of Costa Rica is one of admiration and respect. They are incredibly welcoming and friendly, and I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience their culture and hospitality. We, as Americans, can learn a lot from them, and I am grateful for the chance to have done so.
Part B
Hotel Casa Orguideas is located in the heart of Manuel Antonio National Park in Costa Rica. It is a privately owned hotel that has been recently renovated. The hotel is committed to sustainable practices and has received the Sustainable Tourism Certification (CST) from the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). The hotel is committed to reducing energy and water consumption, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and supporting local, sustainable initiatives. In addition, there are plenty of local attractions to explore near the hotel, such as Manuel Antonio National Park, the popular beaches of Manuel Antonio, and the nearby town of Quepos. Customer reviews are overall very positive, with many praising the hotel’s friendly staff, beautiful rooms, and excellent food. The overall impression of Hotel Casa Orguideas is one of luxury and sustainability.
Hotel Las Colinas is located near Fortuna central park in Costa Rica. It is a privately owned hotel that was designed with sustainability in mind. The hotel is part of a global group committed to sustainability and is certified by the Rainforest Alliance. The hotel utilizes solar power, recycles water, and uses eco-friendly cleaning products. In addition, local attractions near the hotel include the nearby Fortuna central park and the nearby town of Uvita. Customer reviews are overall positive, with many praising the hotel’s stunning views, friendly staff, and delicious food. The overall impression of Hotel Las Colinas is one of luxury.
Hotel Los Jardines is located in the beautiful town of Cerro Plano School. It is a privately owned hotel committed to sustainability and has received the Sustainable Tourism Certification (CST) from the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). The hotel is committed to reducing energy and water consumption, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and supporting local, sustainable initiatives. Local attractions near the hotel include the nearby Monteverde and f Puerto Viejo. Customer reviews are overall very positive, with many praising the hotel’s friendly staff, beautiful rooms, and delicious food. The hotel entails luxury and sustainability.
Hotel Mimos Autentico Hotel is located in Manuel Antonio Region. It is a privately owned hotel committed to sustainability and has received the Sustainable Tourism Certification (CST) from the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). The hotel is committed to reducing energy and water consumption, using eco-friendly cleaning products, and supporting local, sustainable initiatives. Local attractions near the hotel include the nearby Manuel Antonio Region and Quepos. Customer reviews are overall very positive, with many praising the hotel’s friendly staff, beautiful rooms, and delicious food. The hotel’s impression is friendly and accommodating.
Tour Operator
G Adventures is the tour operator for our trip to Costa Rica and is located in Fortuna. This tour operator has been certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council and is committed to sustainable practices such as reducing waste and protecting local wildlife. G Adventures has an impressive 4.7-star rating on TripAdvisor, with customers citing its knowledgeable tour guides, great value, and wide range of activities. My initial impression of G Adventures is that it provides a comprehensive and sustainable tour experience, and I look forward to experiencing the tour myself.

White Water Rafting is a tour operator located in the Manuel Antonio region of Costa Rica. The company is passionate about sustainability initiatives and carries out waste management and environmental education activities. White Water Rafting has received a 5.0-star rating on TripAdvisor, with customers praising its safety standards, enthusiasm, and attention to detail. My initial impression of White-Water Rafting is that it is an eco-friendly tour operator that offers a unique and exciting experience.
Ziplining is a tour operator located in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. This tour operator is committed to sustainability and has received certification from the Costa Rican Tourism Board. Ziplining has a 4.8-star rating on TripAdvisor, with customers citing its knowledgeable staff, safety standards, and unique views. My initial impression of Ziplining is that it is an exciting and safe tour operator that provides a unique experience.
The Night Walk Tour is a tour operator located in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The company is committed to sustainability and carries out initiatives such as reforestation and protecting local wildlife. The Night Walk Tour has a 4.5-star rating on TripAdvisor, with customers citing its knowledgeable tour guides, great value, and wide range of activities. My initial impression of the Night Walk Tour is that it is an excellent eco-friendly tour operator, offering a comprehensive and unique experience.
Sustainable Eco-Tourism Food Destinations
Mi Cafecito Community Coffee Plantation is located in Alajuela. The plantation is certified, recognizing its commitment to sustainable practices and social responsibility. Mi Cafecito Community Coffee Plantation has developed several eco-friendly practices that promote sustainability, such as drip irrigation, shade-grown coffee, and water recycling. Customers have given the tour very positive reviews and ratings, praising the knowledgeable and experienced tour guides, the quality of the coffee, and the beautiful views of the plantation. My initial impression of Mi Cafecito Community Coffee Plantation is that it is a sustainable tour operator offering a unique educational experience.
The Chocolate Tour is located in Manuel Antonio. The tour is certified by the International Eco-Tourism Society and is committed to sustainability and social responsibility. The Chocolate Tour is dedicated to eco-friendly practices, such as using organic and locally sourced ingredients, using reusable packaging, and using local guides and tour operators.
The Eco-Farm is located in Arenal Volcano. The Eco-Farm has developed some eco-friendly practices, such as using renewable energy sources and water recycling systems. Customers have given the tour very positive reviews and ratings, praising the knowledgeable and experienced tour guides, the food quality, and the farm’s beautiful views. My impression of the Eco-Farm is that it is sustainable and offers a unique educational experience.
Community Impact Project
Costa Rica’s Mi Cafecito Coffee Tour offers an unforgettable experience to learn about the life of Costa Rican coffee producers and appreciate the coffee fields produced in harmony with nature. The tour begins with the seed germination process and continues to the final harvest phase, where guests can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. Coffee of the highest quality can be purchased in the souvenir shop in whole bean or ground form.
The Our Work tab found on the Mi Cafecito webpage highlights the four main areas of work: Community Tourism, Environmental Education, Conservation, and Sustainable Agriculture. Community Tourism is a way to support local communities in preserving their natural, cultural, and social heritage. The Community Tourism Network works to improve local communities’ quality of life and economic development while protecting its cultural and environmental resources. My initial impression of the Community Impact Project was very positive. I was inspired to learn more about the Mi Cafecito Coffee Tour’s work to support local communities and their natural, cultural, and social heritage.
I look forward to further exploring the Community Impact Project during my stay in Costa Rica.
The JWU Trip Tour Operator- G-Adventures
G-Adventures is a leading tour operator in the travel industry. Their mission is to create meaningful, sustainable experiences that benefit travelers and local communities. This is evident in their G-Local Survey, conducted in 2016 to measure the real-world impact of their small-group adventure tours. The survey results showed a positive ripple effect created by the tours, which G-Adventures has used to create a Ripple Score. This score is a tour evaluation tool that shows the money spent locally by G-Adventures on the services needed to run the tour, such as accommodations, restaurants, and transportation.
The G Adventures Quest package comprises carefully selected activities and experiences focused on sustainability and eco-tourism. They have an emphasis on responsible travel and support local communities and businesses. My initial impression of G-Adventures is of a reputable, reliable tour operator that emphasizes creating sustainable and meaningful travel experiences. This impression is backed up by their commitment to transparency and comprehensive survey to measure their impact on the local communities.

[Free Essay] propaganda of terrorist networks

I think the current propaganda of terrorist networks about COVID-19 is very irresponsible and dangerous. It is a complete distortion of the truth and the fact that religious groups in the U.S. are saying the same thing is incredibly concerning. I think it is important to recognize that this virus does not discriminate and is not a sign of divine judgment on anyone. “They are opportunistic and taking advantage of a pandemic by suggesting this is divine retribution” (abcNEWS, 2023, np). It is a natural occurrence affecting everyone, regardless of their faith or beliefs.
Question 3:
Frederick Nietzsche’s warning is particularly relevant today, given the current global climate of terrorism. In the face of such violence, it is important to remember that it is not acceptable to respond with violence. We must strive to remain calm, level-headed, and compassionate instead of becoming monsters ourselves. We must remember that compassion and kindness are the most powerful weapons. We must strive to fight terrorism and extremism with love and understanding rather than with violence.
Malala Yousafzi addressed the U.N.
Malala Yousafzai’s speech to the U.N. was compelling and inspiring. She spoke with tremendous passion and conviction, and her words were full of hope and determination. She spoke of her experience of being shot in the head by the Taliban in Pakistan and how she chose to respond to terrorism with strength and courage. “The Taliban shot me on the left side of my forehead” (United Nations, 2013, 4:42). She talked about the importance of education for girls and how it can be a powerful tool for peace. She urged the U.N. to take action and stand up for girls’ rights everywhere. Her speech was a reminder of how one person can make a difference and how important it is to stand up for what is right. Her words were a call to action and a reminder of the power of the human spirit.

[Free Essay] Personality Research Paper


The term personality has numerous meanings and definitions. However, it is mainly defined as the characteristics, qualities, and thoughts that make an individual unique. These qualities help in predicting and explaining an individual’s behavior. Each human’s personality is shaped by different factors, including the environment, experience, and genetic traits (Schnell & Becker, 2006). Numerous types of research have proved that two people, not even twins, cannot share personalities. A person’s personality is not a collection of different characteristics but a pattern of traits. There are various personality tests that individuals can take to understand themselves better. One of these tests is MBTI/16 PF, which stands for Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator. It is a self-report inventory designed to identify a person’s personality type, strengths, and preferences (Chae, 2016). It focuses on the 16 personality types that humans are believed to have. The objective of the test is to allow the respondents to explore and understand their personalities, including their likes, dislikes, career preferences, and compatibility with other people. The second test HTP test, represents House Tree Person test. It is a projective personality test or an exam that measures the participants’ personalities through the interpretation of the drawings and responses to questions. The belief behind this test is that drawings can help provide relevant information about the functioning of an individual’s personality (Kato & Suzuki, 2016). The last test is the Big Five Test which evaluates personality by measuring five personality traits. These traits are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and Neuroticism. This paper will discuss the results of the three tests.

HTP Test

In this test, the overview analysis indicates that my drawing is mainly at the bottom of the page, which means I am connected with the physical world. The lines and strokes in the pictures show my emotional strength, confidence, and self-esteem. My house has walls that show I have a strong ego. It does not have windows but has one door showing my minimum interaction with the outside world. It also needs a pathway that shows my lack of openness. As for the tree, it has numerous branches showing that I highly relate to the external world. For the person, I focused so much on the face, interpreted as my desire to present myself acceptably.

MBTI/16 Test Results

After carrying out the MBTI/16 tests, the results showed that I have a campaigner personality (ENFP-T). I scored high in extraversion 54%, intuitiveness 61%, feelings 57%, prospecting/flexibility 60%, and turbulence 60%. The results reveal that I am a social person with creativity and socially free spirits. It shows that I value social interactions; I am enthusiastic and tend to express my excitement outwardly. Secondly, they showed that I am an individual who values social harmony and empathy. I am also good at improvising and taking advantage of new opportunities. Lastly, they showed that I am self-conscious, success-driven, always eager to improve myself

Big Five Test

For the big five tests, I scored 59% on extraversion, 62% on agreeableness, 13% on conscientiousness, 86% on Neuroticism, and 59% on openness. The results show I scored high in Neuroticism, meaning I experience frequent negative emotions, including stress and anxiety. I am more vigilant in detecting dangers, whether real or imagined. I also scored highly on agreeableness, meaning I am motivated to maintain positive social relationships. I am empathetic and caring. I scored average on extraversion and openness, meaning that I am talkative and love being around people. It also means that I love art and music and am open to new experiences. However, I scored extremely low on conscientiousness, showing that I am careless, spontaneous, and unstructured.


The three tests revealed a lot about my personality traits, some of which I agree with but disagree with others. Beginning with the HTP test, I agree with confidence and self-esteem. Since I was young, I have highly believed in myself. Although sometimes I doubt my actions, I believe in my ability to make the right decisions. However, I disagree with the point about openness. Despite the lack of pathways in my drawing, I am an open person who is always willing to learn new things and improve myself. I am also a people person who likes interacting and associating with other people.
For the MBTI test, one of the things I highly agree with is that I am an empathetic person. For years, I have had problems with my parents due to my extremely empathetic nature, which sometimes turns to compassion. I remember a time in middle school when I felt so bad that my classmates were coming to school without lunch. I had to convince my mother to give me two lunch boxes so that I could give her one. I even got into trouble with my parents when I gave one of my friends my shoes because hers were torn. Although I did not come from an extremely rich family, I believed my parents could work harder to buy me new shoes. Since then, my dad has taken it as his responsibility to teach me to be selfish and meet my needs first before meeting other people’s needs.
I am a talkative person and like making new friends. However, I cannot entirely agree that I am a self-driven person. Although I am eager to improve, the desire rarely comes from within me. I am not a perfectionist; others push me to get things done. On most occasions, I am driven by deadlines and fear disappointing people to get anything done. I remember one time I postponed an assignment until the last minute when I had to seek help from my friend. Such occasions have made me believe I am not a self-driven person.
For the Big Five Test, I agree that I am an introvert and am motivated to maintain positive relationships. I am not a people pleaser, but I always do my best to maintain relationships with other people. I am also an open person who likes new ideas, although I could be more creative. However, I am afraid I have to disagree with Neuroticism’s outcome. Although sometimes I experience anxiety due to my postponing behavior, I am extremely anxious. I highly value myself and avoid situations that would cause me stress and anxiety.

[Free Essay] The Impact of Big Business

The Impact of Big Business
After viewing the NBC News film “The Last Days of an American Dairy Farm”, I realised that large businesses could have a disastrous effect on small enterprises, their proprietors, and even the animals they care for. I was saddened when I watched the video since the family had to shut down their dairy farm; also, over 100 dairy farmers lost their contract with Dean Foods when Walmart cut them out as they were middlemen (NBC News, 2018). It was difficult to comprehend that it was finished. They had put a lot of effort into building a great company, but ultimately they were unable to compete with big business.
Big business has a significant and broad impact on small firms. Big business frequently uses its size and resources to outgun smaller business. In the dairy sector, where big processors have been pushing out small family farmers, this is evident. The catastrophic effect of big business on the way of life of small farmers is demonstrated in the video “The Last Days of an American Dairy Farm.” Due to the exorbitant prices that processors are paying for milk, family farmers in the video are compelled to sell their land and relocate (NBC News, 2018). This is only one illustration of how large business may harm smaller business.
Due to their size and ability to influence the market, large corporations often engage in unfair competition and have uneven access to resources. For instance, two of the biggest consumers of agricultural goods are Costco and Walmart (Guebert, 2019). They can set the prices they are willing to pay for goods because they have the purchasing ability to do so, which is disastrous for small farmers who lack the same leverage. Big companies also have the financial means to invest in cutting-edge machinery and technology, which can create an unfair playing field for smaller companies.
Employees may be impacted by the unleveled playing field established by large corporations. Large corporations are frequently able to provide higher pay, benefits, and employment conditions than smaller corporations (Guebert, 2019). This might make it so that smaller companies can’t compete with bigger companies for the best workers. Additionally, huge companies frequently have the ability to influence the government for beneficial rules and tax exemptions, which might harm small companies.
The environment is another area where large company has an effect on small firms. Large investments in new technology can result in more effective and environmentally friendly production methods since big businesses frequently have the financial wherewithal to do so (NBC News, 2018). The enormity of their activities, however, can also cause them to produce a lot of garbage, which could be bad for the environment.
Despite the dominance of large corporations, there are still chances for small enterprises to prosper. Small firms can take advantage of their agility, creativity, and ability to respond quickly to client needs. They can also concentrate on specific markets or goods that bigger companies might not be drawn to. Additionally, tiny enterprises may be able to take use of regional networks and resources to outperform more established rivals.
The lesson from this SLP should be that while there are still chances for smaller businesses to flourish, huge businesses can have a significant impact on them. Small firms can take advantage of their agility, creativity, and ability to respond quickly to client needs. They can also concentrate on specific markets or goods that bigger companies might not be drawn to. Finally, small businesses must constantly be aware of the strategies that their larger rivals may employ to acquire an upper hand in the marketplace.

[Free Essay] Relationship Between Fascism and Masculinity

There is a significant correlation between fascism and masculinity from the article. The author has, in several incidences, made several arguments that depict the existing and unopposed relationship between fascism and masculinity.
Benadusi, Lorenzo. “Masculinity.” The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State? (2017): 51-75.
. The author has indicated fascism is born from the need of the male soldier to equip himself with a body that he has transformed into muscular armour. The main reason why these male soldiers seek to have such bodies is to defend themselves from any attack and external interference. This, therefore, means that it is impossible for a man to be a fascist without becoming masculine. Men who intend to be fascists must be ‘baptized” in masculinity so as to withstand all the pressure that comes with being a fascist. Fascists were completely dissatisfied with the existing world order where traditional masculinity appeared to be missing. They, therefore, sought to inculcate a new order where “real” masculinity could be encouraged and enforced. The fact that fascists were pissed off and dissatisfied with the existing order where masculinity seemed to be diminishing indicates how masculinity was a serious thing of concern to fascism1.
According to the author, hegemonic masculinity mainly resulted from the war. The activities and actions that take place during the war significantly impact the soldiers’ masculinity. There are two possible outcomes for these soldiers as far as masculinity is concerned. First, the activities in the war trenches may make them more aggressive and masculine, and second, it may lead to gradual emasculation of depletion of masculinity. For instance, there is a classical illustration on how the world war stimulated and fortified stereotypical male attributes and therefore established a serious relationship between militarism and masculinity. There are, however, scenarios where military experiences affected the way in which the soldiers perceived their slowly degrading virility. There are cases where the harsh life that the fascist soldiers lead to softening of their virile traits. The author has used the story narrated by Piero Calamandrei to his girlfriend to illustrate this. Piero confided to his girlfriend that he was experiencing a weird experience whereby his heart was getting exited and accommodating to the idea of a soft life and softening of his virile traits. The illustrations above, therefore, show that there are incidences where fascism reduced masculinity and made men develop feminine desires and traits. The confession by Piero indicates the possibility of very many soldiers facing a risk of undergoing feminization and infantilization and therefore reducing masculinity
Kelly, Casey Ryan, and Chase Aunspach. “Incels, compulsory sexuality, and fascist masculinity.” Feminist Formations 32, no. 3 (2020): 145-172.
Fascism also contributed to a change in role which had an impact towards masculinity
Benadusi, Lorenzo. “Masculinity.” The Politics of Everyday Life in Fascist Italy: Outside the State? (2017): 51-75.
. The author indicates this by highlighting the “gender” role challenge that Ottone and his girlfriend underwent. The idea of gender role seems to be an incomprehensible fiasco among the two lovers. Ottone’s girlfriend finds it very hard to handle herself as a lady. As required in any relationship, there are certain gender roles that each individual is expected to satisfy. Sandra’s military experience however seems to be a stumbling block towards them achieving and observing the gender roles. Ottone clearly indicated to Sandra that he preferred domestic intimacy to war. He informed Sandra that he wished to “fall in the ocean of love.” Sandra on the
other hand seems to be obsessed with the idea of patriotism and heroism. She dearly wanted her boyfriend to dress up like other men and take part in the fighting. This is very ironic as Sandra appears to be much more masculine as compared to Ottone. The only correct argument that can Justify this, is that Sandra had acquired masculine traits as a result of fascism. This therefore shows how strong the relationship between masculinity and fascism is.
The success rise and success of fascism can only entirely be attributed to the aspirations towards the restoration of masculinity
Gundle, Stephen. “From Mussolini to Berlusconi: Masculinity and Political Leadership in Post-war Italy.” The Palgrave Handbook of Masculinity and Political Culture in Europe (2018): 435-455.
. The moment masculinity was restored, fascism began to do well. This movement intended to emphasize and inculcate violent and virile traits among men. Through fascism, men were taught how to become violent and hype-virile. It made men to perceive violence and viper-virility as the best way of expressing masculinity. The main goal for fascism was to ensure that these men were acquiring and maintaining war like conditions. These Italian men were therefore expected to remain masculine and in a warlike condition even at a time that the country was experiencing peace. This therefore simply means that these men were expected to be masculine all through their lives. In order to ensure that these men were maintaining their masculinity, an organization of fascist militia party was formed. This organization specifically purposed to create an armed army from the young daring masculine men. This, therefore, indicates that fascists engraved their ideology on masculinity. They entirely relayed on masculinity to instill their ideologies to people.

Talia Ray was a victim or a beneficiary of her father’s abusive and manipulative ways.

The jury is out on whether Talia Ray was a victim or a beneficiary of her father’s abusive and manipulative ways. As The Cut reported in April 2019, the nightmare for several students of Sarah Lawrence College started when Talia invited her father, Larry Ray, to crash on the campus building’s couch. 

In the Hulu documentary Stolen Youth, Larry’s victims say they saw the arrangement as unconventional, but few objected. Larry steadily gained trust and control over the Slonim Woods 9 dorm members. 

“Everyone thought Talia’s dad was weird, but then one by one he would get them alone, and suddenly he’s the greatest thing to happen to them,” Raven Juarez, whose close acquaintances fell into Larry’s snare, says. 

Talia Ray likely lives in North Carolina, where she works as a paralegal. 

Talia, who adopted a secretive life, reportedly lives in North Carolina, where she works as a paralegal at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice. She moved to Durham, where her grand-stepfather resides, in 2014. 

Talia hasn’t updated her Facebook page since August 2020, with her last post encouraging her followers to vote. She has a private Twitter account bearing the following description, “AVA I LOVE YOU & I MISS YOU EVERY DAY! Xoxo always, Your Big Sister.”

Talia lost contact with Ava after a court awarded custody of the children to her mother. Talia, who’d testified that her mother was physically and sexually abusive, decided to stay in local shelters in solidarity with her father. It shows that Larry had likely brainwashed Talia for a long time. 

It’s unclear whether Talia conspired with her father to abuse and defraud her friends. She was reportedly aware of Larry’s cult and was declared a co-conspirator by prosecutors. “What you have done with my friends is the most amazing and beautiful thing I have ever seen,” a 2013 email sent to Larry by Talia reads. 

Some people view Talia as Larry’s biggest victim since she was exposed to his manipulative ways since childhood. Daniel Barban Levin, one of Larry’s victims, says in the Hulu documentary that he’s open to chatting with Talia, who didn’t face criminal charges. Levin says sympathetically:

“I think that if she reached out to me I would be curious to have that conversation. But it’s really hard for me to imagine what her experience is, and I feel a lot of compassion for someone who has lived with Larry Ray since she was a baby, I can’t imagine that.”

[Free Essay] Video Ananlysis

In the video, Treasure asserts that attentive listening fosters comprehension, and I concur with this assertion. Conscious listening encourages us to be more present and attentive throughout a conversation, which enables us to comprehend the other person’s viewpoint genuinely. For instance, if I am truly listening to a buddy while conversing, I can pick up on the subtleties of their language and body language, which might help me better comprehend their emotions. In addition, if I attempt to comprehend a new concept, I must actively listen to the explanation to comprehend what is being stated. For instance, if I am listening to a lecture on a new topic, I must concentrate on the speaker in order to comprehend the content.
Treasure recommends five activities to increase one’s listening ability, but I believe the “listen to everything” and “listen to yourself” exercises would be the most beneficial. The “listen to everything” exercise teaches us to pay attention to the sounds in our environment and be aware of our surroundings, enhancing our awareness of how we interact with our surroundings(Treasure,2009). The “listen to yourself” exercise promotes awareness.
Treasure recommends five activities to increase one’s listening ability, but I believe the “listen to everything” and “listen to yourself” exercises would be the most beneficial. The “listen to everything” exercise teaches us to pay attention to the sounds in our environment and be aware of our surroundings, enhancing our awareness of how we interact with our surroundings. The “listen to yourself” exercise promotes awareness. Nonetheless, I believe it is essential to consider the constraints of teaching aware listening in the classroom. There may be pupils who are uncomfortable with public speaking or do not have the same degree of comprehension of the content.



[Free Essay] international trade

Countries trade goods and services with each other through international trade. It’s good for both consumers and countries in many ways. International trade helps consumers by giving them access to more goods and services, competition that keeps prices low, better quality goods, and the newest technology(International Trade,2020). Countries benefit from international trade because it makes them richer overall, helps their economies grow, gives them more jobs, and raises their standard of living.
Electronics like cell phones, laptops, and TVs are some of the most-bought items outside the United States. Some other popular imports are clothes and clothing, car parts, and jewelry. In addition to these goods, many countries also import a lot of services from other places. For instance, many countries send their IT services to countries where the labor cost is lower and the level of education is higher. If we could not bring in goods and services from other countries, many people would have to live more cheaply. Prices for goods and services would probably go up because American companies would not be able to compete with low-cost foreign labor. Also, consumers would only be able to buy goods and services made and sold in their own country, which might be of lower quality and less variety(International Trade,2020). The economy would also suffer because of this. Without the flow of foreign goods and services, there wouldn’t be as much competition in the market, which would hurt many domestic businesses. This could cause people to lose their jobs, wages to go down, and the economy to get worse. Also, businesses may not be able to use the latest technologies and services from other countries because they are usually not available in the U.S.